13-Step Partnerships Growth & GTM project

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Project: "Partnerships Growth & GTM”

Description: Use this project to ensure ROI from of your new partnerships, tech or agency partners, using these revenue-focused and go-to-market steps we recommend you take with all new trusted partners. Add partners to this project after you have completed onboarding steps.

Run it with your partners in Partnerhub®, or your PM tool of choice.

Author: Sharice Siegel


Asterisks at the end mean*: You should alert your partners.

  1. Backlog of growth stage partners - create a list of newly-onboarded partners you would like to GTM with. These are partners that have influence over your target customers and/or a larger audience you want to get in front of.

  2. Define / build new services or integration packages: at this stage, you or your partners are building out the packages or integrations around your service. You can also add these partners to another project while they are completing this stage.

  3. Define partnership goals & KPI’s (add to Memorandum): Now that you or your partners have created their services on top of your product or have completed an integration, it’s time to set targets for this GTM motion. OKRs and KPIs to track to determine success.

  4. Present to partner team over a lunch & learn*: Your partner teams may know what’s happening, but you also want other department heads to know what’s happening. Get them together for a joint presentation with your partner about what’s happening and what they need to inform their team on.

  5. Partnership announcement (email + social)*: This is the first traffic / PR post for your new partnership - make it count! Tag your partners, the company and the individuals, share links with marketing team, multi-media with static images and videos.

  6. Announce new services or integration packages (email + social)*: This is not the same announcement - you should focus this on the packages or integration the partnership supports and what types of clients / companies should be booking calls to set it up. Possibly tag Sales, CS or Product in this.

  7. Start our first joint success: After all this GTM effort, hopefully, you have won your first client! Continue creating that great customer experience for this shared customer.

  8. Align marketing calendars: Have a quick Slack or email conversation about the rollout timeline with marketing.

  9. Schedule monthly catch-up calls: We suggest 2 or three post-GTM monthly syncs after the rollout with these close partners. Then roll into a quarterly standup, or bi-annual review. IF these are active co-selling partners,

  10. Create a case study from the joint success: Outline the use case, customer success goals, results, and key players involved. Ideally, record a video interview with the partner and join customer.

  11. Recurring joint account targets planning: This is the recurring account mapping and co-selling plan you will create with your GTM partners. Some will want to continue co-selling, others will not. But have the chat. For those that do want to map account, we suggest mapping using Reveall, then add those partners to the Co-selling project inside Partnerhub®.

  12. Publish case study (email + social)*: For those partners who made it this far - congrats! The joint case study getting finished and ready to publish is one of the best feelings for a partnership manager. Both partners should do their own version on their own blogs.

  13. Schedule bi-annual partnership review: Congrats, you are done going-to-market with these partners! Now, don’t stop the music, push play on one of the other awesome projects we have for you inside!
